My Weight Loss Story
"If you follow the eating plan exactly, the pounds "melt" away! 20lbs in 23 days, AMAZING!"
- MSF - Woodland Clinic
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“Well I was very depressed and hated myself and how I felt being overweight. I was desperate and needed to lose weight now!!! I tried it! It was the hard the first week and after that my cravings went away. I truly felt better on this diet and the daily, amazing weight loss was what kept me going. I was actually excited to get on the scale every day! I loved the structure and how good I felt on the diet.I Now love to look at myself in the mirror.
LG Woodland Clinic
Begin a New Relationship with Food...
Get Rid of Unhealthy Cravings, Learn Proper Portions, Make Better Choices
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"I love the HCG Diet! I love the motivation of losing the weight so fast. As long as you follow what the diet tells you to do, it WORKS!
Gina, Woodland Clinic
The New Beginnings center is a great source for motivation and they are so great with helping you learn the do's and don'ts of the diet.
I thought I would be hungry or feel deprived on this diet, but I always felt full and satisfied.
I would recommened this diet to anyone who is tired of feeling self-consious and is finally ready to shed excess weight. I just want to say, coming from a girl who has literally yo-yo dieted for years, this is the best diet I have ever used!"
What If You Could Easily Master Losing Weight Starting Today...
Select from two HCG Programs based on how much weight you want to lose…
23 Pounds in 23 Days
Quickly shed up to 23 pounds in 23 days! This is perfect if you only have a few pounds to meet your goal, or if you’re looking to lose some weight fast in time for a holiday or business event.
40 Pounds in 40 Days
This option is perfect for those looking to lose up to 40 pounds fast! You’ll be back in those jeans, or hot on the beach in your bikini in know time!
Coaching Program
We know losing weight can be frustrating and difficult. We want to make this as simple as possible for you so you can achieve your goals. That’s why we have a Coaching Program in place just for you!
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Here's What You'll Easily Achieve With HCG Weight Loss...
Our HCG Professionals will even help you select the right hcg program for you…
23-Day HCG Weight Loss Program
- Lose Up To 23 Pounds in 23 Days!
- Coaching Program to Help You Every Step of the Way!
- A New You in 23 Days!
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The Ultimate 40/40 HCG Weight Loss Program!
- Lose Up To 40 Pounds in 40 Days!
- Coaching Program to Help You Every Step of the Way!
- A New You in as little as 40 Days!
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A New You is Waiting...

Get STARTED today - here is what you get:
- One on One Coaching Program for accountability and encouragement.
- Easy access to help for answering questions and telephone support.
- Your assigned to your own "One on One" HCG Specialist
- One on One assessment and physical with an HCG specialist.
- All HCG medications needed to get you through the program.
- Follow up through the end of the 6 week maintenance and rest period.
Act NOW for these exclusive bonuses:
- B-12 Included!
- Dr. Simeons book Pounds and Inches!
Additional Benefits of using HCG Weight Loss:
- No loss of muscle mass
- Normalize the thyroid gland
- Rebuilds the adrenaline glands
- Balances the hormones output
- Replaces the good cushioning "fat pad" through-out the body
- Normalizes appetite demands
- Improves ones "singing voice" (believe it or not)
- Gets rid of large pot belly on both male and female
- Reduces fat deposits on double chins
- Reduces hip fat deposits
- Reduces buttocks fat deposits

P.S., HCG Woodland Clinic
"Not only did I lose the 20 lbs, but I have been able to keep it off even without deprivation dieting and crazy workouts. I would suggest this method to anyone who is looking for an effective and efficient way to slim down."
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Frequently Asked Questions & Answers
Q.What is HCG?
A.HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin which is a natural hormone produced during a women’s pregnancy.
Q.What is the HCG Diet?
A.A medically scientific program developed by Dr. A.T.W. Simeons in Rome, Italy for weight reduction.
Q.Why is HCG Diet Different?
A.The HCG Diet has been medically proven for over 35 years. It also involves your choice of HCG daily injections or the HCG pills & a regulated 500 Calorie Diet.
Q.How much HCG do I get?
A.A pregnant women produces 2000 times more HCG per day then what you will take. So in other words, a very small amount.
Q.Can't I skip days 1 and 2 and not eat the "fatty" foods?
A.Everyone feels that way at the beginning, but eating the fatty foods is essential to bring your hypothalamus in balance. Any weight gain will be lost in the first few days. We suggest you ENJOY IT…. it might be your last time to binge 🙂
Q.How many pounds will I lose each day?
A.Statistics show an average weight loss of 1 pound per day. Of course everyone is different, but that’s the norm.
Q.What kinds of foods can I eat?
A.Here are foods you can eat:
- Meat, Fish & Veal
- Variety of Vegetables
- Fruits
- Unlimited Coffee, Tea & Water
Q.Won't I be hungry?
A.95% of people say they lose cravings after 2-3 days. After that some people have reported they have to force feed themselves because the appetite is gone. With any diet, self control is a big factor.
Q.What is involved in the HCG Diet?
A.Here is what a typical HCG diet program looks like:
Day 1-2: Eat as much fatty foods as you like and take an HCG injection or pill.
Day 3-23 [or 40]: Take an HCG injection or pill along with 500 calorie diet.
3 Days after the Diet: Continue the 500 calorie diet with no injection or pill.
3-6 week Rest/Maintenance Period before beginning an additional Cycle. -
Q.I have more than 100 pounds to lose, what do I do?
A.The initial Diet Cycle is for 40 days in which time you will lose up to 40 pounds. Additional Cycles can be performed after a 3-6 week rest/maintenance period in order to achieve your weight loss goal.
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Send us an email and we'll be happy to help you in any way we can. Thank you again for considering A New You as your weight Loss destination. We'll take good care of you.
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